You've worked hard; your business is thriving/your career is advancing. You enjoy the all the benefits of success. More vacations with a growing family and a larger and home with more luxuries, but with all this comes increased responsibility and questions.

  • How do I secure the future financially for my family?
  • What tax planning strategies are best for today and in the future?
  • Is there more I can do in my business strategy?
  • As life changes, so should your financial plan.

Trust Bircher Financial to answer every question and provide comprehensive solutions every step of the way.

Family financial planning

Our Clients Say

Bonnie has been our trusted financial advisor for five years. She has helped us with all aspects of our business and personal finances, from setting up the corporate structure for our small business, to doing the taxes for our children.

One example of how Bonnie has contributed to our success, was when she identified a major tax credit which we were eligible for and had been overlooked for several years. With Bonnie's guidance, we applied for a retroactive credit which resulted in a substantial refund.

We appreciate Bonnie's problem solving ability, and how mindful she is of our values and wishes when making recommendations regarding tax planning, education savings plans and investments.
Bonnie is always available to answer questions and address our concerns and her staff are always pleasant and professional.

It is our pleasure to recommend Bonnie.

Tammy and Rob Vestrum